The USS Pension Deficit grows to Extreme Levels: A Case for Invasive Regulation?

Today’s post reacts to the news that the Universities Superannuation Scheme (USS) has the largest pensions deficit of any British pension fund, now measured at £17.5 billion. We have looked briefly at pension deficits before here in Financial Regulation Matters when we looked at the behaviour of Sir Philip Green throughout the BHS scandal , but in this post we will review some of the concerns connected to this large increase in the deficit of the largest pension fund in the U.K., whilst we will also look at some of the issues that branch out from this development. Ultimately, it is worth considering whether, as Peter Drucker once opined, pension funds are the saviour of capitalism , whether the function of pension fund investment powerhouses is beneficial but needs alteration , whether the current situation is a product of the financial crisis and something that does not need much attention , or whether the situation is representative of inherent systemic issues which are bound...