Goldman Sachs and Venezuela: A Representation of an Innate Philosophy

Today’s very short post looks at the news that Goldman Sachs, having recently bought $2.8 billion’s worth of bonds issued by the Venezuelan state-owned oil company Petróleos de Venezuela (PDVSA), is being heavily criticised for doing so by opposition leaders in the country. For this short post, the actual details of this sale will be scrutinised because it reveals an understanding of the philosophy of big financial institutions like Goldman Sachs, as if that were needed at this point, which is important to consistently repeat – the acceptance of such a philosophy can never be allowed to become the ‘norm’. The obvious criticism stemming from the opposition in the economically-ravaged country that is swaying from one crisis to the next , is that the bond sale represents the Bank as ‘ aiding and abetting the country’s dictatorial regime ’ and that, ultimately, ‘ Goldman Sachs decided to make a quick buck off the suffering of the Venezuelan people ’. Now, before we continue, it ...