KPMG Separates from the Grenfell Tower Inquiry: A Closer Examination
Today’s post reacts to the news that broke this evening
concerning the massive accountancy (and advisory) firm KPMG’s withdrawal from
the inquiry into the Grenfell Tower fire that occurred last June. Whilst this
post will not discuss the Grenfell Tower disaster in any great detail – mostly because
it is an extremely emotive subject but also because the Inquiry still has some
way to go before concluding – it is worthwhile looking at two specific
instances: the most important is to look at why KPMG today released a statement
that it had ‘mutually
agreed with the inquiry that we will step down from our role with immediate
effect’, but it is also worth asking why KPMG was considered an appropriate
source of advice in the first place – does the firm’s track record,
particularly in the modern era, reveal for us the processes underpinning this
most important of inquiries?
KPMG is one constituent part of the so-called ‘Big Four’ –
the oligopolistic partners within the accounting industry – and its history is
a long and storied one. Consisting of a merger
between four different firms (with the oldest dating back to 1870 with
William Barclay Peat and Co) that
took place in 1987, the firm has catapulted itself to a position of genuine
influence within the modern economy. However, that propulsion has with it a
number of associated instances, with a number standing out. Using the turn of
the century as a good starting point in relation to the behaviour within the
accounting industry, KPMG’s transgressions, arguably, went under the radar
whilst its then-competitor Arthur Andersen was publically
decimated for its role in the Enron Scandal; whilst the fall of Arthur
Andersen is oft cited, KMPG’s ‘deferred prosecution agreement’ with the U.S.
Department of Justice (DoJ) for $456 million (plus $225 million in private
settlements) is rarely mentioned, as is the sentences handed to a number of
senior KMPG officials for their role in the providing of ‘tax shelters’ which
allowed the wealthy to avoid
paying billions in tax contributions. That particular era was to be
followed with another phase in which the accounting industry (particularly the ‘Big
Four’ would transgress en masse whilst other financial service providers would
be publically shamed; the Financial Crisis. Whilst big banks, credit rating
agencies, mortgage providers and insurers would correctly see themselves
publically identified and vilified for their roles in one of the largest
instances of ‘wealth extraction’ to have ever been witnessed, the ‘Big Four’
would see their transgressions, again, go somewhat under the radar. During the
lead-up to the Crisis, the large mortgage financiers and big banks did indeed
partake in what was nothing other than systemic fraud, and credit rating
agencies negligently provided their assurances to the overly-risky products
that were at the centre of the impending crisis (and the insurance industry
allowed for secondary markets and so on and so on), but a fact that was not
given the right amount of attention was that for all of these financial juggernauts
the requirement to have their balance sheets checked by independent and
thorough third-parties remained – and this is where the accounting firms’ transgressions
play their part, although
the lack of ‘coverage’ would have one thinking differently if one did not
appreciate the ‘culture’ within the largest financial firms. More recently, we
looked at the continuing fines being handed to the ‘Big Four’, with KPMG
being fined recently by the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) for
mis-advising consumers in the favour of big business, which is a common theme
within industries that offer advisory services for a high price (even the briefest
of analyses of the Big Four’s financial statements reveal that advisory
services make up a significant proportion of their income, and with that comes
unique pressures that affect the role and purpose of an auditor). There have
been a number of other
instances along the way and there will undoubtedly be many more, but on the
back of this admittedly brief review of just some of the industry’s
transgressions, we will now review the details of the firm’s connection to the
Grenfell Tower Inquiry.
The particular details of the case are currently being played
out across the media, so for our purposes it will probably be best to be as
simple as possible. Officially, the story goes that KPMG were appointed to
advise on the structuring of a project management office for the Inquiry, with
KPMG declaring that ‘our
role was purely operational and advised on project management best practice and
had no role advising on the substance of the inquiry’. However, a concerted
campaign was initiated in response to the reality that there were likely a
number of conflicts of interests present within the relationship; the campaign culminated
in an ‘open letter’ being sent to the Prime Ministers from campaigners,
academics, and MPs declaring their belief that KPMG was too conflicted to
provide independent advice to the Inquiry, and the details of the campaigners’
claim deserve to be looked at. Most glaringly, the auditor that was hired to
provide assistance to the Inquiry is, inexplicably, the same firm that audits
the parent company of Celotex, the firm that produced the insulation for
Grenfell Tower which has, to this point at least, been identified as a key
component in the disaster, as well as auditing the Royal Borough of Kensington
and Chelsea and Rydon Group, the firm
contracted to refurbish the Tower. This intertwining of the auditor in the
business of three entities that had a massive role in the disaster should have
prevented the firm even being considered for the role of advisor to the
Inquiry, but is this the case in reality?
MPs and Campaigners have greeted KPMG’s decision to withdraw
from the arrangement with a small amount of pleasure (relatively speaking), but
have been quick to note that the inference of this sequence of events is a
negative one; one campaigner noted that ‘this
appointment was yet another example of the government’s deafness to local needs’,
which is absolutely correct. However, here in Financial Regulation Matters we are consistently looking to analyse
the inference as well as what is
stated and, rather unfortunately, this chain of events can be seen to
illustrate something which is particularly tragic, but illuminative of the
society we currently inhabit. Yes the Inquiry is extremely important, but the
reality of the situation, when articulated, makes for tragic reading. The first
instance to note was the Government’s, and particularly Theresa May’s,
absolutely abysmal handling of the aftermath of the disaster, which came
complete with a number of broken promises like the fitting of sprinkler systems
to similar residences (something which the Prime Minister would later say could
not be afforded). However, even more devastatingly, at the time of writing
residents of Grenfell Tower have still not been rehomed, which has led to a
string of criticism but still very little action from the Government; David
Lammy MP, one of the most vocal critics of the Government’s handling of the
disaster, is clear in his understanding that there is a chasm
between the citizen and their representatives in this, and many other
circumstances; perhaps, as Lammy notes, that may indeed be at the core of the
problem. Theresa May was asked in the House of Commons how safe
she would feel living on the 20th floor of a large Tower Block with
no sprinkler system and erroneous safety advice (and inadequate cladding
and insulation and so on and so on) and the simple answer to that poignant
question is that she simply will never experience that scenario – so, how
representative can she really be? What she, and the Government moreover do
understand however is business, and the protection of big business to be
precise. Yet, it is too easy to suggest that KPMG was allowed to advise the
Inquiry because of its ashamedly pro-business culture, because in reality what
we are witnessing in this scenario is just the latest in a long line of
division that underpins most of modern society (particularly in the U.K.) – the
people who tragically perished in Grenfell Tower were, by and large, poor people, and overlooking that fact
is, and always will be a tremendous error. The cladding that was attached to
the building, the cladding which allowed for the fire to spread at an alarming
and debilitating rate, was erected to mask the aesthetics for those who owned
homes in the much richer parts of that particular borough. The companies which
were contracted to carry out significant and important work on the building are
owned by wealthy individuals. Now, the Inquiry that has been set up to,
seemingly, provide answers to the public as to the events that led to that
horrific sight of a large building being gutted by fire with its occupants
trapped, is being advised by a company that all the other companies pay for
services on a number of other occasions. It is easy to dismiss this connection
as being demonstrative of a larger and more brutal reality, but it is vital
that we seek to assess situations within this particular paradigm; if the
scenario does not fit the paradigm then that is great, but the incredible
amount of times that it is does presents an awful reality in which the poor are
being consistently abused, and without any conceivable recourse. The actions of
the campaigners who highlighted these conflicts and brought about KMPG’s
withdrawal is just one heroic action in a long list of heroic actions that have
followed the disaster as many attempt to seek justice for those who were
tragically killed last year – that they have to do so much to get justice is,
perhaps, illustrative of the real problem we face.
Keywords – KPMG, Grenfell Tower, Theresa May, Politics,
Business, Audit, @finregmatters
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