The Personal Debt Spiral Continues
The issue of debt, and more specifically personal debt, has
been a consistent focus here in Financial
Regulation Matters, with the most recent post reporting on the fears
that the personal debt crisis was set to deepen. Whilst we know that this
crisis, and the ‘age of austerity’ go hand in hand, there are, of course, a
number of competing elements that are fuelling the current debt crisis. In
today’s post, the focus will be on the latest fears regarding the crisis, but
also on calls by an influential Labour MP who is calling now for the credit
card companies to come under increased scrutiny after successfully campaigning
against payday lenders like Wonga.
Rather than general debt figures being the focus this week
in the media, the focus instead focuses upon credit card debt specifically.
This is on the back of official figures that note that, over the last few
months, the rate of credit card debt has risen to a 12-year high.
The reported rise was over
8% for the last year, with it also being recognised that in February alone
there were 220 million credit card transactions conducted which represents a rise
of 3.3%. Of course these figures need to be contextualised, with it being
important to state that many utilise credit card facilities as a way of
effectively budgeting. However, whilst personal debt from sources such as
personal loans i.e. payday and short-term loan facilities, have actually
decreased (as a result of recent campaigns one can confidently suggest),
fears are continuing to mount in relation to credit card debt; the FCA is
concerned on the basis that there are expected interest rate hikes in the
offing, which has played a role (to a small extent) in the FCA proposing now
regulations for credit lenders. By September, credit card companies must have
implemented a specific suite of internal rules to comply with the FCA’s
demands, namely that the companies must seek to intervene in cases where people
represent being in 18 months’ worth of ‘persistent debt’
(defined as having paid more in interest than principal over an 18-month
period); to alleviate these issues, the rules require the companies to provide
prompts at certain intervals, more in-depth guidance after three years, and
even waive certain
components of the debt in the longer-term. Furthermore, the companies will
allow customers to opt-out of unsolicited credit limit extensions (with those
in debt for more than 12 months being excluded from receiving credit limit
extensions), whilst they will be forced to cancel the continuing credit
facility of customers who have not paid enough back in continuance of the
18-month period.
However, it was reported today that Stella Creasy MP, the
person promoted as being responsible for the enforced capping of fees and
interest rates by payday lenders, is ‘calling
for a cap on fees and interest charges’ with respect to ‘high-cost credit
cards’. The campaign, which
is receiving support from a number of sectors, is aiming to block lenders
from charging customers ‘more
than the same amount they have borrowed in interest and fees’. Yet, whilst
Creasy’s target is companies like Vanquis, who target customers who struggle to
receive credit elsewhere, The Guardian
noted that ‘the
FCA has already ruled out taking such steps after a review of the market last
year’. The FCA’s reasoning is based on the notion that customers need the ‘flexibility’
that comes with an open market, in conjunction with the supposed safety net
that the FCAs new rules in September will bring. However, the issue of credit
card debt continues against all the talk of impending regulation.
It is difficult to say what approach is correct, but it is
easier to state that this is an issue that is unlikely to get better anytime
soon. With similar
problems in the U.S., it is difficult not to make the assumption that this
crisis is, simply, a natural partner of the ‘age of austerity’ within which we
currently reside. It is tempting to suggest that people have a certain
lifestyle in mind and have been forced into credit cycles to maintain that
standard of living, but that is arguably not the case. Whilst it is positive
that payday lending has been reduced since caps were put in place and the
lenders came directly into regulatory focus, it is likely that people have
simply moved into a different form of credit; companies such as Vanquis allow
for consumers to access credit when, in reality, they would struggle to do so
from high-street lenders (in theory, at least). Ultimately it is difficult to
pinpoint why the crisis is worsening, not through a lack of understanding but
because there are so many factors at play. The FCA’s proposed rules are
positive, in a sense, but the ‘catch-point’ being at 18 months or longer means
that significant debt could still be accrued by those unable to pay it – there is
still plenty of scope for this crisis to worsen.
Keywords – personal debt, debt crisis, business, financial
regulation, law, consumers, society, @finregmatters
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