Article Preview: “Can Credit Rating Agencies Play a Greater Role in Corporate Governance Disclosure?” – Corporate Governance: The International Journal of Business in Society
In the first of a few brief posts today, we shall be looking
at a forthcoming article by this author on the credit rating agencies and their
potential involvement with a push to increase corporate governance disclosure
rates in the EU. The article was invited as part of a special edition for the Corporate Governance: The
International Journal of Business in Society Journal, and will be
published very shortly.
The article is concerned with the European Commission’s (EC)
efforts to increase the effectiveness of corporate governance disclosures,
which is a system they have established which aims to construct a ‘comply or
explain’ system of corporate governance reporting. The system was set up by the
EC in 2014, and would take the form of what are called ‘corporate
governance statements’. Since this system has been established, it has only
witnessed limited success because, as was mentioned in a commissioned report
for the EC, there has been a lack of ‘informative
disclosure’ from companies caught by the regulatory endeavour. The EC acknowledged
this in 2011 and since then have been formulating measures to help alleviate
the problem, but there are a number of issues at play. The commissioned report
noted that, as far as investors were concerned, only a quarter of reporting
companies were producing information regarding their compliance with stated
corporate governance regulations as ‘sufficiently good’.
Essentially, the program dictates that companies who are
caught by the regulation (it differs by size and status i.e. public companies)
must declare in a separate statement alongside their annual reports which
national corporate governance regime they are following, and how they are
complying with that stated regime. Taking influence from other jurisdictions
that have applied a similar philosophy previously (like the UK), the EC wanted
to allow for flexibility so companies are allowed to miss their obligations (if
it is reasonable for them do so, on account of aspects such as applicability
related to size or industry etc.) but they must subsequently explain why then
have chosen not to comply. In attempting to increase the effectiveness of the
regime, the EC has decided that a regulatory amendment is in order, and not a
private one. That regulatory amendment takes the form of the national
regulators (the ‘competent authorities’) taking a more active role in the
monitoring of responses and the enforcement of the regime. The article
discusses how that, according to some in the literature, ‘the market is not
particularly concerned about non-compliance’, which adds to a viewpoint that
there are very few deterrents within the current regulatory regime. This
argument is based on the concept that, for investors, it is likely a ‘comply or
perform’ dynamic, rather than a ‘comply or explain’ dynamic on account of
investors tending to focus on the financial
performance of a given company in respect of its organisational behaviour.
For example, the suggestion is that if a firm is performing well, then it must
be being governed well. We know that this is not the case, because a company
may be performing well for many reasons other than good governance, and indeed
it may be the case that the company is performing well because it is not being governed well. We know this dynamic to be short-termism, which is something the EC
is trying to reduce on a systemic scale. However, the question for the article
is whether the approach is increasing the regulatory framework is optimal or
There are issues with the call to increase the regulatory
framework. Though it is often the case here in financial Regulation Matters that giving more power to the market
is rarely called for, on this occasion the increase in regulation is littered
with potential inefficiencies. One inefficiency that the literature has found
is that the cost to the national regulators will increase, whilst the perception or the care from investors
will not. If that dynamic comes to bear, then it is unlikely that companies
will respond by increasing their disclosure rates. It is probably more likely
that a ‘box-ticking’ exercise will ensue that will cost regulators but not
benefit the marketplace. It is for this reason that the article suggests, but
only suggests, that a different approach may be required.
That approach is to work with the credit rating agencies
more and push for a slight alteration in their methodologies. Any regular
reader of Financial Regulation Matters
will know that this author is particularly critical of the credit rating
agencies, and this article does not suggest that the rating agencies are the
most optimal option as they stand.
However, theoretically, they do have a potential role to play. For the
agencies, methodologically speaking, ‘governance’ is one of the key factors in
developing a credit rating. If a CRA is concerned with whether a borrower can
repay a loan on time and in full, then how that borrower is governed will
naturally be of importance to the designation of that particular rating. To
digress, in a forthcoming book by this author entitled The Role of Credit Rating Agencies in Responsible Finance, the
focus will be on examining the incorporation of ‘ESG’ principles into credit
ratings – Environmental, Social, and Governance – although, for the rating
agencies, they are incredibly clear that, for
them (and for investors too), ‘Governance’ is the primary factor. So, if
governance is a key factor for the agencies, what does that mean for the EC’s
push for an increase in governance disclosure rates?
The article suggests that if the CRAs were to adapt their
methodologies slightly so that, now, a credit rating included the quality of a
company’s CG Statement disclosure, then there would be a market-based
deterrent. Furthermore, this deterrent would be much more powerful than
anything the state could provide, mostly because of how it would be received.
Leaving aside whether it is positive or not for one moment, the marketplace is intrinsically
linked to the CRAs and their ratings, and as such a negative rating carries
serious weight for companies. You can often see press releases from companies
(and states) and annual reports mentioning the need to improve a credit rating
or protect a credit rating, and that is because investors use credit ratings.
The reason why they use these ratings is another matter and has been discussed here
in the blog, but the fact that they do means that companies would be incredibly
attuned to the rating process. If the CRAs were to include the quality of
governance disclosure within their rating, and also make that incorporation
transparent for investors, there exists a real opportunity to develop a
meaningful deterrent. The result would be a system whereby not only would poor
disclosure be punished, but good rates of quality CG disclosure would be
rewarded, which is a situation the EC covet. However, there are potential
issues because of how the CRA industry is set up, and the ‘issuer-pays’
remuneration system is the largest issue of them all. If this system was put in
place, then there is a potential that the issuer-pays dynamic would be
leveraged so that the CRAs favoured the issuer when deciding the quality of the
CG statements. For those who may read this and suggest there are safeguards in
place to prevent that, this author would suggest that those safeguards –
reputational pressure, competition, transparency – have always been in place
and have been proven to have failed on a number of occasions in the past. But,
there is a potential if the EC and the CRAs were to consider it.
Ultimately, however, the article suggests a regime that may work, but whether that gets adopted
or not is another question entirely. Why would the CRAs increase their workload
when they are recording massive revenues anyway? Is there an appetite from the
EC to incorporate financial third-parties? To answer the first question, the
CRAs may adopt this program as it would increase their shattered reputation in
the eyes of investors and the financial arena, but we know here in the blog
that they are not subject to reputational pressures. To answer the second
question, the EC has shown that they favour the regulatory approach rather than
a private approach, and that may be because of the damage the rating agencies
caused in the Eurozone Crisis after the Financial Crisis – perhaps those wounds
are (understandably) not healed yet. Nevertheless, there are options available
to the EC and the marketplace to add a level of effectiveness to the CG
Statement regime that is currently missing.
Keywords – Credit Rating Agencies, EU, Corporate Governance,
Business, @finregmatters
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