The Ever-growing Importance of ESG: BlackRock and Audi

In today’s post, we shall examine a concept that we have examined a number of times before here in Financial Regulation Matters , and that is the concept of ESG, or more accurately the integration of ‘E’nvironmental, ‘S’ocial, and ‘G’overnace concerns in relation to business. Today’s post focuses on two stories in particular, and uses them as a vehicle for examining some merging debates around this ever-growing sector. We looked over the summer at the story that Nissan had admitted to falsifying some of its emissions-related data , which naturally should lead us to think of the sector-defining Volkswagen scandal , a scandal which will leave a massive mark on one of the industry’s powerhouses. In line with those developments, Audi was fined €800 million last Tuesday for similar transgressions, ranging from 2004 to 2018 . There are, of course, a number of issues and variables that are affecting the auto industry at the moment, but for our discussion surrounding the concept of ESG,...