Understanding the Oligopoly Concept

On a number of occasions here in Financial Regulation Matters we have discussed the credit rating and audit industries. They have taken up a number of posts on account of their negative and impactful behaviour, and in most of the posts we attempt to conclude as to why they a. act in such a manner, b. are allowed to continue acting in such a manner, and c. what may be done to alter that behaviour. Often, we conclude by discussing the oligopolistic features of their industry and implying that those dynamics are the fundamental answer to all three aspects. However, the word oligopoly is sometimes defined within the posts, but often it is not elaborated what the concept is and why it is so impactful within these financial industries that are so crucial. In this post we will dissect the concept of an oligopoly and examine why the two identified industries are absolutely defined by the concept. The term oligopoly roughly derives from the Greek words oligoi – meaning ‘few’ – and p...