Boohoo Brings Criticism of ESG Rating Agencies Back to the Fore

We looked only earlier this month at criticism being levied against the Sustainable Rating Agencies, or ESG Rating Agencies as they are sometimes known and, as more details get revealed concerning the modern-slavery story engulfing the fast fashion retailer Boohoo, the agencies are continuing to come in for criticism. In this post, the focus will be on highlighting the issues that are being revealed, and questioning the supposed role of the agencies. The Financial Times has been asking the question recently ‘ why did so many ESG funds back Boohoo? ’, which is not surprising given that it was the FT who conducted investigations into the appalling working conditions within Leicester in the UK. Those investigations, which were unfortunately not really acted upon until the recent spike in coronavirus within the city saw it locked down , have since led to financial repercussions for Boohoo, one of the biggest benefactors of the underground textiles industry within the region – ...