Are Some Credit Rating Analysts Guilty of ‘Informed Trading’?

Earlier this month, research was published which spectacularly suggests that some analysts of the Big Three rating agencies are guilty of ‘informed trading’, which in this context means leaking information to institutional investors ahead of the publication of rating actions by their respective credit rating agencies. In this post, we will look at this researched claims and assess the potential impact such findings may have upon the industry, if any. Dr Omri Even-Tov of Berkeley Haas Business School and Dr Naim Bugra Ozel , Visiting Associate Professor at Wharton Business School have co-authored an article that can be read here . The article, entitled What moves stock prices around credit rating changes? seeks to extend the studies that have found that credit rating changes lead to significant stock price reactions by examining whether informed trading may affect the stock price before the rating announcement. One of the key elements that the researchers look for is wheth...