Threatening Sovereigns with Downgrades if Healthcare Investment is not Witnessed is Not Helpful

Today, the G20 will be hosting their Global Health Summit in Rome. Before it, the Chair of a World Health Organisation (WHO) panel that wants to set up a new global body that will focus on improving healthcare investment warned that ‘ states that invest too little in public health could have their credit ratings cut ’. Whilst the sentiment is that the richer nations should be incentivised with a ‘stick’ to invest more in their healthcare programmes, there is am associated problem that has not been addressed. Mario Monti, the former Italian Prime Minister and the Chair of the Pan-European Commission on Health and Sustainable Development, argued that ‘a pandemic like this one poses huge threats not just to financial stability but to the whole economic and financial system’. This, of course, is true. To counter against future health-related economic shocks, the panel has proposed that a ‘Global Health Board’ be established to prevent future pandemics and coordinate global respo...