The Financial Reporting Council’s New Corporate Governance Proposals: ‘All Talk’?
Today it was reported that the
Financial Reporting Council (FRC), the agency that is primarily concerned with
setting governance standards within the financial sector, is seeking to readdress
and expand its role within the regulatory framework. In this post, the
focus will be on the FRC’s suggested approach, and will conclude with a small
suggestion as to how the effectiveness of the FRC may be increased. Interestingly,
the release of the news of the FRC’s attempt to do more comes right on the
heels of a story that was covered by the Financial Regulation Matters blog –
the proposals put forward by Frank Field and the Work and Pensions committee,
proposals that would alter corporate governance in the U.K. if they were to be
implemented (reported here).
There seems to be two narratives at play recently, both of which revolve around
one crucial period in time – how the U.K. Government responds when it actually
leaves the E.U. The first narrative, as discussed in a previous post,
is that Theresa May will lead a sustained degeneration of standards to entice
investment into the country post-Brexit. The second, which the FRC, and to a
lesser extent Frank Field, have subscribed to, is that the changing times
offers a fertile opportunity for regulatory change for the better. What follows
is a discussion of the FRC’s suggested approach in light of those two
The FRC has been in the process of
courting suggestions for how it may improve the elements of corporate
governance for which it is concerned with for the past
three months, and will continue to do so throughout the year, particularly over
the summer
of 2017. The press releases from the FRC reveal very little, with the Chairman of the FRC, Sir Winfried Bischoff (pictured) saying ‘we
will conduct a review of the current U.K. Corporate Governance Code’ for
example, but expert analysis into the reform process reveals a detailed and
considered ambition. Linklaters
suggest that there are five key components of the suggested reforms, with each
being equally important. The firm start by confirming that the FRC are
attempting to increase its powers to recover information from regulated
entities, so that instead of monitoring strategic reports and financial
statements like they do now, the FRC would be able to secure much more
information to assist in its mission of testing a company’s compliance with
governance codes. Next, Linklaters picks up on the element that relates to the
issue Frank Field identified, namely that the FRC want to improve the operation
of Section
172 of the Companies Act 2006, which focuses upon the ‘Duty [of Directors] to
promote the success of the company’, so that Directors must demonstrate how
they have taken into account the interests of stakeholders, which forms part of
the success of the company. This does not go as far as the recommendations of
Frank Field and the Work and Pensions Committee, but it is nearly the same argument – protecting stakeholders, which includes
pension holders, should be seen as being a fundamental component of a company’s
‘success’. The FRC are then asking for a Government review, effectively asking
for an increase, in the enforcement potential against Directors who fail in
their responsibilities; quite what the increase would be is not certain – that would
be for the Government to ultimately decide. In relation to this, Linklaters
highlights a similar point that is being raised by the FRC, which is that they
are suggesting that a code for ethical duties be developed which would sit
alongside the relevant Directors Duties of the Companies Act 2006, so that the
Directors’ disqualification regime may be extended. Finally, and perhaps most
importantly, Linklaters state that the FRC was to expand their remit and develop
a corporate governance code for private
companies, which falls directly in line with Frank Field’s suggestions to
interfere with the business of private companies more than ever before.
However, the suggested approaches
of the FRC, of the Work and Pensions Committee, and in fact anyone else, are
all dependent upon the appetite of the Government to enact such sweeping and
potentially-revolutionary reforms – on that note, there are conflicting
reports. When Theresa May first made it past the leadership election to become
the Prime Minister, she pledged that she wanted employee representatives of
company boards and to make the votes of shareholders legally binding when it
came to remuneration, ultimately declaring that ‘It
is not anti-business to suggest that big business needs to change’. The
sentiment from leading Conservative party figures has continued, with Greg
Clark, the Business Secretary, stating that ‘This
government is unequivocally and unashamedly pro-business but we hold business
to a high standard in doing so’. Yet, there is a growing concern that this
declared appetite is waning in reality. The Labour MP Iain Wright called the
decision to set out these points for debate in the green paper a demonstration
of the ‘tentative’
approach, whereas other commentators have suggested that corporate lobbyists
will ‘breathe
a sigh of relief’ upon reading the green paper.
The FRC, and indeed the Work and
Pensions Committee, should be praised for their bold ideas. Whilst this piece
agrees with the need to intervene in Private Companies’ business, and install representatives
of pension holders onto corporate boards, there is a potential that the claims
represent a ‘free swing’ – it would be an incredible event to see a
Conservative government allow for regulation to excessively interfere with
private business, and even more so to see them install workers, by way of
legislation, into the boardroom of all companies. For the FRC to be truly
effectual, their Code of Governance would need to be mandated upon all
companies, so that the behaviour of the companies, and their compliance with
agreed upon rules could be monitored. Yet, this does not represent reality. It
is disappointing to come to that conclusion, but it is right to do so. The
reason why it is right is solely because of the period that is approaching. In
the U.S. the American people are experiencing the consequences of their
actions, rightly or wrongly, immediately after their Presidential elections. In
the U.K., the electorate is being held in suspense as to experiencing the
consequences of their actions – the real effects of their decision to leave the
E.U. last year are effectively suspended until two years after the formal
secession procedure begins. Therefore, the time in between is crucial. What the
calls of the FRC and the Work and Pensions Committee do is provide for
ammunition to show the true sentiment of Government – if they agree and
implement such reforms then the stability of the U.K. economy will be increased
ten-fold; if they do not implement the reforms, we can rightly ask ‘why not?’,
and judge the ability of politicians to enact needed socially-considerate
reforms on the basis of the answer to that question. Even if the proposed
reforms are not enacted, which it is feared here they will not, then at least
it increases the dialogue and debate in a period which needs to be characterised
by our challenging of our leaders to act in our
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