The Recent U.S. Department of Justice Investigation into Credit Rating Agency Transgressions: A Ceremonial Conclusion to a Destructive Period
This post is different to the other
posts of the Financial Regulation Matters Blog, as it represents a preview of
an article that has been accepted for publication. Therefore, the following
post will be, at most, merely illustrative. The article is concerned with
concluding an analysis of the U.S. Department of Justice’s (DoJ) investigation
into the actions of Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s, the two largest credit
rating agencies. In February 2015 the DoJ agreed a settlement package with
S&P for a record $1.375 billion, with S&P settling with private
institutions on the same day (like CalPERS for £135 million); the analysis on
that can be found here (a
pre-published version of an article in print). However, the scale of the
investigation meant that the two massive agencies were to be investigated
separately, and upon settling with S&P the DoJ immediately switched its
sights to Moody’s. This new article, which can be found here in
pre-published form, therefore looks at the conclusion of the DoJ’s
investigation and asks whether it is enough, or even appropriate at all.
Initially it is worth noting that
the settlement between Moody’s and the DoJ was always going to be much lower
than the settlement between S&P and the DoJ, simply because of Moody’s’
policies to destroy
information more regularly than S&P. One of the key facets of the
post-Crisis ability to pursue legal action against the agencies is the Dodd-Frank
requirement to prove that an agency ‘knowingly or recklessly failed… to conduct
a reasonable investigation..’ – it was easier to prove this with the increased
paper trail at S&P. So, on January 13th 2017, the DoJ announced
that it had agreed
a settlement package with Moody’s for nearly $864 million on behalf of itself
and a number of States. Additionally, the rating agency had, quite remarkably,
admitted to a number of transgressions – a practice which is hardly believable
when one knows the history of these secretive and illusive organisations.
The details of the ‘statement of
facts’ can be found in the article, but one crucial element results from
reading the admission. The rating agency, as part of the settlement, does two
things which should reveal to us the real
nature of these centralised, and venal organisations. Firstly, the agency
admits to practices which saw it actively
operate against investors, like promoting that they were rating within certain
parameters, and then doing the exact opposite (which is bad, but made even
worse when we understand that the issuers of debt, who pay the rating agencies,
knew of the change). Then, to compound the insult against investors, the
economy, and in actual fact society – who have borne the brunt of this venal oligopolistic
attack – Moody’s goes on to outline what it will do to rectify its errors. So,
what will this agency, who have been found to be acting against the
marketplace, do to stop transgressing? They claim in their settlement that they
will, as part of their ‘compliance commitments’, maintain the separation of its
commercial and credit rating functions, independently review its methodologies,
and increase their timeliness, and accuracy, of their output. Why does this
compound the insult? Simply put… they
were supposed to be doing this anyway! The top two agencies have therefore
spent the last 17 years saying one thing and doing another; now they have been
punished, their response has been that they will continue doing what they say
they do.
This represents an issue that can
only be contextualised by one’s faith in the marketplace. If one has faith in
the ability of market actors to act in a way which is not absolutely about their own advancement, then it is possible that
the Big Two will adhere to this claim, and will comply with the measures that
have been put in place to limit their effect upon society. But, if one does not
have faith in the marketplace and its actors, then what does this settlement
represent? What it represents is simple – the height of the punishment of
rating agencies for their pivotal
involvement in the largest financial crash since the 1930s. This ‘punishment’,
which represents a fraction of the profits garnered by the Big Two from their
involvement in the subprime scandal, has a far greater impact however – it signals
to rating agencies, and other market actors, that (a) the punishment for the
Financial Crisis is coming to a close, and (b) that the repercussions for
getting involved in another systemic-affecting scandal are not severe, and will
certainly not affect your existence. For many years, particularly in the early
years of the credit rating (reporting) industry, the fear was being taken out
of existence, which bled into their many
appalling practices – we can say now, with some confidence, that the threat
of extinction no longer applies to the rating industry. The industry has pushed
to see what the boundaries are, what they can get away with, and they have just
been given their answer. What this means for society, particularly when we
consider the deregulatory rhetoric coming from many advanced nations, is truly alarming.
** The two articles that this post
is based on have been accepted for publication by the Business Law Review, on
behalf of Walters Kluwer. All rights to the article’s content belong with them,
and what is available online represents pre-published
versions. The final and published versions, which differ from the
pre-published versions, can be found via the Business Law Review (
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