Article Preview – “Credit Rating Agencies and the Protection of the ‘Public Good’ Designation: The Need to Readdress the Understanding of the Big Three’s Output”
Today’s post previews a forthcoming
article by this author entitled “Credit Rating Agencies and the Protection of
the “Public Good” Designation: The Need to Readdress the Understanding of the
Big Three’s Output’, to be published in the Business Law Review
(the pre-published version can be found here).
The article, which aims to promote another reason for why the credit rating agencies
not only survived the Financial Crisis, but increased its profitability, suggests
that an underlying sentiment that exists within academia and policymaking
corridors fundamentally protects the agencies’ position in an ideological
manner. The proposal in the article is that by a. revealing this sentiment, and
b. correcting that sentiment, we can begin to build an environment whereby the
regulatory, legislative, and judicial focus is aimed more accurately, so that potentially a truly effective deterrent
can be established. So, with that in mind, we will examine just some of the key
components to the article in this post, and draw out some of the conclusions
found in the research.
The article begins by examining the
notion of rating agencies being vital for the economy in detail, in order to
reveal why that notion exists, and from angles it is promoted. The reason for
this is that by analysing why this overriding sentiment of importance exists,
where it comes from, and why it comes from those channels, we can begin to
unravel the myth and position the focus on the agencies more effectively.
However, at the very beginning of the article an important point is made
abundantly clear: the proposition of the article, that there exists within
academia especially a narrative which supports the agencies’ position is both
innocent – i.e. it is not, to all intents and purposes, developed and maintain maliciously
– and also not widespread – there are a number of academics who perpetuate this
sentiment, but there are many who do not. The reason why this is an important
clarification to make is because academics, from a number of disciplines
(Economics primarily), have been accused
of being complicit in the creation of the environment that allowed for the
Financial Crisis to materialise – this is not suggested to be the case here;
the likely scenario is that some academics have fallen into the trap of
believing in the ideological version
of a rating agency, rather than
focusing upon the actual rating
agencies, which is the crux of the article. There is a constant dichotomy
between looking at the agencies as one would desire them to operate before looking at how they actually operate, which can only even
lead to one outcome: mis-regulation.
After looking at this perceived importance of the agencies in
terms of their usefulness to the economy, from the viewpoints of investors,
issuers of debt, and also the State in the ideological stance of the supervisor
of society that is centred on the marketplace (putting people’s respective
political allegiances aside for one moment), the article continues by looking
at this notion of ‘Intellectual Sustenance’. This term is promoted as the
understanding that something underlies the position of the agencies, rather
than just circumstance: and that understanding focuses on the term ‘public good’.
Although it is rather crude, there is evidence in the literature of the term
being used in its theoretical sense (from the ‘public choice’ school of
economic thought) and the literal sense of the output being ‘good’ for society.
In turn, the economic notion of a ‘public good’ is, in layman’s terms, related
to the word ‘good’ as meaning a product. For a ‘public good’ to be a ‘pure
public good’, it must contain two specific qualities: it must be ‘nonexcludable’
– which means that once the product has been provided it is difficult, if not
impossible, to exclude others from receiving the benefit of that good; think
the light from a streetlight – and it must also be ‘nonrival’ – which means
that the product can be consumed by one person without detracting from the
opportunity of another person to consume that same good; think algae that
consumes carbon. The theory goes that it is the State’s responsibility to
produce and maintain the provision of these goods because a. they are usually
socially positive products, and b. a private company that serves to derive
profit cannot derive profit from a good that is universally consumed without
exclusion – profit is usually derived from exclusion. However, one leading
theorist – Ronald H. Coase – argued that quite often the State will not be the
most optimal provider of the public good for a number of reasons stemming from
a lack of ability or appetite to properly fund the production of the good, to
conflicts of interests against other competing pressures that any State will
have to balance. To alleviate this problem, the theory goes that a ‘public-private-partnership’
will be induced whereby a private company is incentivised to provide the good
by way of the State allowing for the reduction in one of the two key components
of a public good. Rather than provide an abstract example to demonstrate this
scenario, we have a perfect real-life example with which to do so: the credit
rating agencies.
Before the late 1960s, credit
rating agencies sold their ratings to investors. This system was not
particularly profitable for a number of reasons ranging from an widespread
amnesia within the United States that there was little need to be too concerned
with ranking creditworthiness (the oft-argued reason), to rival companies undercutting
their business with inflated ratings (the real reason). Before the collapse of
Penn Central in 1970, the National Credit Office, which was the rating vehicle
of Dun and Bradstreet – an amalgamation of two of the oldest credit reporting agencies and direct competitor
to the rating agencies we know today – were busy awarding ‘prime’ credit
ratings to large railroad companies in spite of being aware of an impending
economic disaster (sound familiar?). The widespread faith in these ratings
developed into a widespread panic once the massive Railroad company collapsed,
and investors scurried to find alternative forms of creditworthiness rankings –
step forward S&P and Moody’s. At the same time, however, advancement in technology
saw Photocopying machines become commonplace, which fundamentally affected the
rating agencies’ ability to exclude
people from disseminating the rating they received in physical form – a process
known as ‘free-riding’ whereby one purchases the rating and then disseminates
it to others, leaving the rating agencies unable to charge those others for
acquiring their products. Ingeniously, Moody’s began the process of charging issuers to be rated, on the basis that
investors needed to be reassured of an issuer’s creditworthiness since the Penn
Central collapse (although Moody’s did experiment with this model a year
earlier). The now infamous ‘issuer-pays’ model was therefore established, with
S&P following suit in 1974. Now, where the public-private-partnership comes
in is with the Security and Exchange Commission’s ratification of the process
in 1973 (formally ratified in 1975) when it instructed brokers that the usage
of ratings needed to come from ‘Nationally Recognised Statistical Rating
Organisations (NRSRO) – the agencies had been formally allowed by the State to
conduct the sale of a required good in a manner where it could be compensated.
Coincidentally, the State had failed to consider the effect that this systemic
switch had created, with research confirming that the rating agencies substantially inflated their ratings
once issuers were paying for the ratings, which flies directly in the face of
this notion of the output of the agencies being ‘good’ for society. Yet, this
system allows for academics to declare that rating agencies are, by economic definition, a ‘public
good’, because they now tick both boxes of containing nonexcludable and
nonrival characteristics – i.e. the ratings are freely available, and everyone
can use them because the issuers pay for their production. However, research
confirms that what is ‘freely available’, as the rating agencies themselves
declare, is of such low quality in terms of content and timeliness, that the
freely available ratings constitute nothing more than ‘advertising messages’
which are conveniently located behind
pay-walls – something which instantly removes the ‘public good’ moniker once
realised. Yet this has not stopped that categorisation being advanced; but,
however, it is not the only one.
The article then provides examples
of academics appropriating the public ‘good’ version of the understanding to
the agencies, by stating that ratings can be considered alongside infrastructure
and energy provision in terms of social usefulness. Yet, this is clearly not
the case when the majority of investors are bound – both internally and
latterly, officially, externally – to use them and then only factor the ratings
in to a much larger statistical endeavour. Furthermore, the ‘good’ element is
hard to find when we look at the investigations into the Financial Crisis which
show, quite clearly, that ratings were inflated for profit, and also
miscommunicated to investors for the benefit of the agencies and the issuers –
which, in simple terms, means fraud and criminality. The article concludes this
section by affirming that both understandings focus on a rating agency which simply does not exist in reality. The rating
agencies that do exist in reality
actively operate in the opposing manner to that which is described by these
prevailing narratives.
Ultimately, the article’s
conclusion makes the point clear that not only does this dichotomy exist, but
it is actively providing a façade for the agencies to operate behind and, to be
clear, they are hiding behind it. In
order to rectify the problem of the rating agencies, there are a number of
actors which must play their part. Legislators and regulators must be fearless
in their pursuit of justice against such obvious, disrespectful, and widespread
fraud – whether or not $2 billion in fines does this is another story and, in
my forthcoming book Credit Rating
Agencies and Regulation: Restraining Ancillary Services, I argue that it
does not come close. Yet, scholars have their own role to play, and almost as
one that role must be played emphatically. It is now important that the perception of rating agency regulation
is fundamentally altered so that whenever
the words ‘credit rating agencies’ are used, a clear definition of whether one
is referring to the ideological and generic rating agency, or a real-life
agency accompanies the analysis. The reason for this is clear: policy makers
rely upon this theoretical background to make decisions, arguably, and credit
rating agencies have proven, beyond doubt, that the credit rating industry is
no place for ideology. We all must be emphatic and consistent when we speak of
the rating agencies and proclaim them to inherently self-interested, venal, and
ultimately societally-hazardous. There can be no room for the argument that
their corporate bond ratings are consistently accurate because bubbles are
often caused by financial instruments like that witnessed in the 1980s, 1990s,
and predominantly in the 2000s (looking at the lead-up to the Great Depression,
one will see the overwhelming presence of ‘securities’ there too) – only by consistently making it clear that these
agencies cannot be trusted to put
anyone before their interest, in any form, can effective regulation be imagined and ultimately implemented.
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