Trump’s Destruction of Post-Crisis Regulation Begins to Take Shape
Today’s post reacts to the recent report put forward by the
U.S. Department of the Treasury entitled ‘A
Financial System That Creates Economic Opportunities: Banks and Credit Unions’,
which represents the aim of the Trump Administration to ‘do
a big number on Dodd-Frank’. The headline effect of the report, namely the
proposed circumvention of the Consumer
Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) on the basis that ‘the
CFPB’s approach to enforcement and rulemaking has hindered consumer choice and
access to credit, limited innovation, and imposed undue compliance burdens’,
will no doubt be the key issue with regards to the fallout of this contentious
report. For this post, we will assess the report and the underlying sentiment,
and then position this understanding within a wider picture of the ‘amnesia’ that
is taking hold despite a number of globalised warnings regarding the ability of
the system to withstand any more shocks so close to the last Crisis.
The Treasury report is the first of a number of reports that
are due in the coming years. The reports are important because we can see, in
black and white rather than on Twitter, just how President Trump envisages the
financial system and how it should operate. With that in mind, the opening
gambit of the report is telling. The approach of the Treasury, now controlled
by Steven Mnuchin who we have covered previously here
in Financial Regulation Matters, is
attached to what they are calling the ‘Core Principles’ which, derived from an Executive
Order, range from ‘Empower[ing] Americans to make independent financial
decisions and informed choices in the marketplace’, to making ‘regulation efficient,
effective, and appropriately tailored’. In this specific report, the focus is
on Banks and Credit Unions, with the underlying sentiments focused on ‘breaking
the cycle of low economic growth’ and ‘better fulfilling the credit needs of
consumers and businesses’, predominantly. With regards to ‘economic growth’,
the report is forthright in its focus on the decontextualised understanding
that ‘the U.S. economy has experienced the slowest economic recovery of the
post-war period’ – the report is clearly downplaying what the Economy is
actually recovering from, as there is nothing to compare it to in the ‘post-war’
period. On this basis, the report singles out the Dodd-Frank Act and its
ensuing regulations, stating that ‘the
sweeping scope of and excess costs imposed by Dodd-Frank’… have resulted in a
slow rate of bank asset and loan growth’, and that the regulations ‘created
a new set of obstacles to the recovery’. This recovery, according to the
report, can only be realised by a prosperous banking sector and ‘an extension
of credit to consumers’, which brings us to the second component of the report.
With regards to credit, the report states that ‘the largest stalled asset class
is residential mortgage lending’, which is supposedly due to the ‘lack
of tailoring and imprecise calibration in both capital and liquidity standards’.
In relation to this, there was an extensive focus on the issue of costs
emanating from compliance, with it being advanced that ‘increased
oversight and regulation has led to an increase in compliance costs’.
Residential mortgages, a market which was dogged by systemic fraud, is an
important aspect for the report, with the overriding sentiment being that there
needs to be a ‘careful
study of regulations and the extent to which they may be holding back the
supply of mortgage credit’ which is obviously music to the ears of the
financial sector – the Financial Services Roundtable gleefully declared that ‘today’s
report is an important step towards modernising America’s financial regulatory
system’. Yet, whilst the financial lobbyists prepare for their celebrations,
there are a number of extremely important, and extremely worrying developments
that emanate from the report.
The first is an issue that is currently on the lips of
regulators in the U.K.: capital requirements. Yesterday, and pre-empting
tomorrow’s post in Financial Regulation
Matters somewhat, the Bank of England increased
the capital requirements of Banks in the U.K. because of fears regarding
excess lending – more specifically, fears remain over the easy access to credit
for those who are not in a position to repay given potential shocks to the
marketplace, something which we have discussed in Financial Regulation Matters with regards to the ever-growing
auto-loan bubble. Yet, the Treasury’s report states that only ‘internationally
active’ banks should be subject to capital requirements (a move aimed to
unleash the speculative capacity of national institutions), and that for those ‘internationally
active’ banks there should be a more rigorous test, like taking into account
the ‘banking
organisation’s historical experience’, as opposed to any more qualitative
or quantitative measures. In opposition to the fears in the U.K. and around the
world, like in China
for example, the Treasury is adamant that Americans need access to more credit,
not less, and the only way to do so is to fundamentally incapacitate the CFPB
who, according to the report, hinders consumer access to credit. In order to
achieve this end, the report suggests that the Director of the CFPB should removable
at the will of the President, or alternatively be restructured as an
independent multi-member commission (which could then be gutted from the inside
out), funding the CFPB through an annual process (killing the Bureau by denying
it oxygen i.e. funding), and incredibly ‘curbing abuses in investigation’,
whatever that may be. This aspect, as
suggested in the media, is unlikely to go down well with Elizabeth Warren,
the Senator for Massachusetts, a leading voice in the creation of the CFPB, and
a vocal critic of President Trump. The report details a number of proposals,
but these headline-grabbing suggestions offer more than enough for us to
understanding the sentiment of the rhetoric.
The Trump Administration is, in no uncertain terms, readying
itself for a major assault on the safety of American consumers, and global
citizens moreover. The blatant rejection of global fears regarding the
consumer-credit bubble that is growing, when considered in relation to the fact
that the last crisis was only 10 years ago, is not only irresponsible, it is
dangerous. The blinded rhetoric that looks at ‘growth’ independently of the
reasons for the lack of it, are nothing short of a confirmation that history
will judge this phase of American politics with damnation. The Executive
Director of ‘Americans for Financial Reform’ responded to the report by stating
that ‘the financial crisis had devastating costs for families and communities’
and that ‘we
need more effective regulation and enforcement, not rollbacks driven by Wall
Street and predatory lenders’, which is not only accurate, but perhaps even
an understatement. What is clear, however, is that when Donald Trump repeatedly
stated ‘America First’ during his campaign trail, he was misunderstood; he was
referring to the American elite, not the American people – this report is the
first of many that articulate that reality.
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